Blogging for Books

I recently signed up with a website called Blogging for Books (you can find them at My first book was actually picked on accident. I clicked on something then I was locked down to reading “Cleaning House” by Kay Willis Wyma. It was about a mom who was tired of her kids assuming things needed to be done by mom alone. She had older kids (and one younger, I think) so her children had been living with their Mom doing just about everything for them. The Mom was ready for a change. She took it month by month and began making changes (genius). Changes from cleaning their room (decluttering) all the way to being a good host/entertainer all the way to serving others and having good manners. She had 12 tasks that they mastered in 12 months.

I liked her style, her creativity, her transparency… and I really loved that I was not all that challenged by it… not because she didn’t challenge, but because I’d already been doing some of the same techniques. It was a great boost for this momma…

However, if you’re ready to tackle getting your “house” clean… it’s a great read.

here is a link to my review on blogging for books if you want to know more…

Hope to finish another book soon!